“I’d like to nominate my daughter, Charlotte Abt. She is a work-from-home mom, expecting her third daughter in November. Not only does she work three (at times four) part-time jobs (she’s a youth sports instructor, sells furniture/crafts at a local shop and installs signs for home builders on weekends, and usually takes on a seasonal position during the holidays) to help support her family and stay home as much as possible with her daughters since her husband works very hard as a mechanic.
On top of being constantly on the go with her kids and jobs, she finds time to volunteer in her community. She has helped launch the Sussex Farmers Market, which is a not-for-profit entity of the Friends of Sussex Parks and Recreation, driven by community members. She recruits vendors/farmers, works on marketing and special events, and volunteers at the market throughout the spring, summer, and fall. The market has grown to become a partner with the local food pantry in Sussex, with farmers donating produce each week to needy families. She currently sits as Vice President on the Board of Directors for the Farmers Market, but oftentimes her work is done in the background, with little recognition.
She volunteers with community events as well, working with the Sussex Park and Recreation Department to host Spooky Sussex and volunteers with I Run the Village (a fundraiser to help provide scholarships to residents for recreational activities).
She is her oldest daughter’s Brownie troop leader, as well as Co-School Site Organizer for Girl Scouts at her daughter’s elementary school, helping new troops get formed and get on their feet. She is passionate about helping girls realize all their abilities and become leaders as they grow.
Over the years, her family has endured some financial hardships of their own, and I know receiving a new furnace would lift a heavy weight off their shoulders. Her heroism may not be as flashy as others, but she is a selfless person who believes in action in her community.”